
Anxiety Workshop/Recommendations for books and resources on Anxiety

I will be facilitating a Six-Week Workshop beginning March 18 – April 22.  This workshop will be for six Wednesday evenings, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.  The cost of the workshop is $200 per person.  For more information, see the Workshop page of this website.  If you are interested in registering for the March 18-April 22 workshop, please register as soon as possible as there are only a couple of spots left available.  If there is enough interest, I will offer a second group as well.  Please email me at to register.

As I have outlined on my therapist page, I offer general counseling for a wide range of issues, however, my preferred area of practice and my areas of specialization are in the areas of marital/couple relationships and working with people with anxiety disorders. 

I want to offer, on this blog page, some recommended readings and resources in the area of anxiety.  I also want to list some of the physiological symptoms people may experience when their level of anxiety is noticeable in the body.

Physiological symptoms:

(some people experience one or two of these and some people experience many symptoms at a time – sometimes people experience many of these at different times)


Churning stomach

Indigestion (stress and worry can produce acid in the stomach which causes stomach upset, including indigestion and acid reflux)

Racing heart


Missed heartbeat

Sweating hands

Pins and needles in hands and feet

Choking feeling in throat or lump in throat feeling

Inability to take a deep breath


Heavy weight pressing on head (or a band around head)

Muscle constriction

Tricks of vision





Jelly Legs


Recommended Readings/Resources



Complete Self Help For Your Nerves

Help For Your Nerves

Hope and Help For Your Nerves

Peace From Nervous Suffering

 --all of the books named above are written by Dr. Claire Weekes (an Australian physician who passed away some years ago).  These books are particularly useful in gaining an understanding of the physiological symptoms of anxiety and what “keeps anxiety alive.”

From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett:  this book is particularly useful to help people who experience anxiety, with working with one’s cognitions/beliefs

Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn:  this book is helpful in understanding the stress response in our body and he utilizes a holistic approach to treating anxiety

Natural Relief for Anxiety by Edmund Bourne:  this book, as the title implies, offers “natural” solutions for treating anxiety.  Suggestions are offered from a non-pharmacological approach

Embracing Uncertainty

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway – both books by Susan Jeffers:  this book, again as the title implies, offers suggestions on how to accept anxiety and push through the fear – not to let fear limit you from taking meaningful risks

10 Simple Solutions to Panic – How to Overcome Panic Attacks, Calm Physical Symptoms and Reclaim Your Life by Martin Antony and Randi McCabe:  this book offers a quick perusal for the reader who wants some quick solutions.


Books on Mindfulness Practice

Coming to Our Senses by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Teachings on Love

Being Peace – both books by Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There by Sylvia Boornstein

Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron


Mindfulness Workshops and Groups in Saskatoon

Jennifer offers both mindfulness workshops and an on-going once-a-week group.

Jeanne offers both mindfulness workshops and an on-going once-a-week group.

Visit both of these websites for more information.

There are so many more books, audiotapes, podcasts, etc. that you may find helpful.  The above recommendations are a good start – let yourself explore and see where it leads you.

Stay open.  Be curious.  Be kind and compassionate to yourself.



